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ERRS Photo Contest

The ERRS wants your photos! 

In order to make our new website feel more like home, we want to have your photos in it! 

Other than having them shared on this platform, the top three winners of the photo contest will be rewarded.

Submit your photos by 31st January, 2024

Your photo here!

More information

  • Any ERRS member can submit photos for the contest.

    If you are not an ERRS member yet, learn how to join us here.

  • Photos should be high-quality images, for which you or your institution own the copyright.

    They may be photos of your experimental setup, microscopy images, you or your colleagues working in the lab, infrastructure at your institute, or even digital images reflecting some aspect of radiation research. Be creative!

    There are no limits to the number of photos you can submit. 

  • A gallery of all submitted photos will be displayed on our website.

    By submitting your photos, you consent to their use by the ERRS for its various communication purposes. Your photos will always be credited.

    For instance, the ERRS may use the photos on its various webpages, or in future newsletters.


  • The ERRS Council members will review all submitted photos and vote for their top three submissions.

    All awardees will get an award certificate, in addition to the following:

    1st place: Spotlight interview published on our website + 2 years free ERRS membership

    2nd place: 2 years of free ERRS membership

    3rd place: 1 year of free ERRS membership

    Additionally, all submitted photos may have the chance of being used by the ERRS in its communications, exposing them to the wider radiation research community in Europe and beyond.

  • All photos should be submitted by 31st January, 2024.

  • Submit all your photos by sending them to err_secretariat[at] 

    If your submission is too large to be sent by email, feel free to use file transfer services such as WeTransfer.

    If you are submitting more than one photo, please name your files in the following manner: 1_[Last Name].jpg , 2_[Last Name].jpg , etc.

    In the body of the email, please include:

    • a short caption or description explaining what the image shows (this may or may not be displayed by the ERRS when using the image)
    • how you want us to credit the image (e.g. John Doe, Radiation Institute, Country)

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